Wednesday 20 May 2009

Let me Google that for you!

Ever wonder why people ask you obvious questions, when you know they could find the answer by using the worlds biggest search engine, Google?

Now you have a tool to help you combat these obvious questions, simple point them in the direction of Let me Google that for you, or

Take for example, A person is looking for Internet Marketing Newcastle, you would give them this link and they can get a step by step google guide:

Click on the link and you will get the only result that matters in a step by step guide!

For more information on Internet Marketing Newcastle, consult the friendly team at Mancala, The Internet Marketing Experts.

Thursday 14 May 2009

I just went out to Lunch and...

I popped out at lunch to grab a bite to eat and bumped into these creatures! Imagine my surprise when 3 giant birds came along, I'm talking 8 foot high here... if you don't believe me check out the pictures I managed to snap on my phone...

I can bet this lady was unawares!

If any body knows what it is about please let me know! There was 3 different shapes and colours, Bizarre! Cheers, Tracy.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Google Hires Goats

In an effort to be Greener Google has contracted 200 Goats to keep the land surrounding their Mountain View based HQ trimmed and fertile.

It has been reported that it is apparently the same cost as getting a crew of lawn mowers and the fuel they would use to do the same job, what a way to bring down spending, I say ‘goat on them’ to Google!

Quick one...
Patient: Doctor Doctor I feel like a Goat!
Doctor: How long have you been feeling like that for?
Patient: Since I was a kid.

Go to Search Engine Journal for the full story. Visit Mancala if you are looking for ways to save money with a more effective Internet Marketing Strategy.