Saturday 24 October 2009

Mancala Today has Moved

From today this blog has moved to a new URL- Mancala Today. From now on you can find us at

Friday 16 October 2009

Ecommerce Success Story - Thorpes of Gosforth

Google Appreciation Club - Google Analytics

Analytics is great. I just wanted to write a post and show my appreciation to Google Analytics for a genius program which they provide for…FREE!

Adding no more than 10 lines of code to your website gives you a wealth of information.
Most people are only interested in ‘hits’ however have you ever stopped to think about what these various hits stats mean?

Visitors – The number of times people have been on your website. You need to know how many people are coming to your site and if it improves with any techniques that you implement in your internet marketing strategy.

Organic visits – How many visitors arrived via search engines?

What keywords have visitors been arriving by? Another great one to monitor- are the keywords you are targeting actually working?

The bounce rate – another big one. Are people arriving at your site and taking an instant dislike to it? If so you need to fix this.

Conversion – How many people come to your site and those come to your site and actually convert into a customer? How many are bailing out half way through – could changes be made to this?

If all these have gave you food for thought then do look into it, or if you want more advice on analytics give us a call we’ll be happy to talk to you.

If you have your own analytics stats or gems that you use please share by posting a comment.

Monday 5 October 2009

Mancala helps Client Heat up their Sales

A long Standing Client of Mancala's has recently been in the news. Thorpes of Gosforth is a Bricks and Mortar Business spanning 3 generations but also has incredible success on the web.

Mancala have helped Thorpes of Gosforth create which incorporates an easy to use online store, the use of search engine optimisation and a Google Advertising campaign which are all used to promote the online store to a national audience - together with their excellent customer service they have happy customers up and down the country.

View the full Fireside Shop Story

We look forward to help Thorpes of Gosforth continue this phenomenal success story.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Shiro extends the Mancala Team

A new member of the extended Mancala family, introducing Shiro he is a 10 week old West Highland Terrier and is enjoying life in Andy and Livi’s new house. He loves playing in the garden and pretending to hunt Andy. Shiro’s favourite activities are eating, sleeping and peeing on Andy’s nice new floors. Check out the photos of him below.

Monday 6 July 2009

Ramon Arrives from Spain

Ramon joined us from Spain in June, and we got him to give us a run down of his time so far in Newcastle.

Over to you Ramon...

"Really liked the city, and the work of course haha.

Not very happy with the accent almost everyone has around here (no offence ;-) ), since it is enough difficult for me to understand ‘normal English’, but I think I am getting used to it, and who knows, maybe I will end up talking like that haha. However, definitely happy with people from this city, they’re very nice.

I enjoyed the cloudy days the first weeks since I preferred that rather than 40 degrees C in my home city, but I am starting to get tired of the weather here :-). Anyway, every sunny day makes me happy :D, something that didn’t happen to me back in Spain haha."

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Let me Google that for you!

Ever wonder why people ask you obvious questions, when you know they could find the answer by using the worlds biggest search engine, Google?

Now you have a tool to help you combat these obvious questions, simple point them in the direction of Let me Google that for you, or

Take for example, A person is looking for Internet Marketing Newcastle, you would give them this link and they can get a step by step google guide:

Click on the link and you will get the only result that matters in a step by step guide!

For more information on Internet Marketing Newcastle, consult the friendly team at Mancala, The Internet Marketing Experts.

Thursday 14 May 2009

I just went out to Lunch and...

I popped out at lunch to grab a bite to eat and bumped into these creatures! Imagine my surprise when 3 giant birds came along, I'm talking 8 foot high here... if you don't believe me check out the pictures I managed to snap on my phone...

I can bet this lady was unawares!

If any body knows what it is about please let me know! There was 3 different shapes and colours, Bizarre! Cheers, Tracy.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Google Hires Goats

In an effort to be Greener Google has contracted 200 Goats to keep the land surrounding their Mountain View based HQ trimmed and fertile.

It has been reported that it is apparently the same cost as getting a crew of lawn mowers and the fuel they would use to do the same job, what a way to bring down spending, I say ‘goat on them’ to Google!

Quick one...
Patient: Doctor Doctor I feel like a Goat!
Doctor: How long have you been feeling like that for?
Patient: Since I was a kid.

Go to Search Engine Journal for the full story. Visit Mancala if you are looking for ways to save money with a more effective Internet Marketing Strategy.

Thursday 9 April 2009

Using YouTube for Marketing - The Interactive Easter Egg Hunt

We're all looking forward to a well-deserved long Easter Weekend and just to help you get in the mood, how about a virtual Easter Egg Hunt? It's a clever use of YouTube (and has a lot less calories than the real thing!).

It really illustrates how you can make use of the new online media channels to do something fun and a little bit different with your internet marketing strategy - and give people a reason to share a link on their Facebook or Twitter accounts. Imagine if you linked the virtual eggs to an ecommerce store you could buy them from..? Enjoy!

Friday 3 April 2009

So now what? When error messages just confuse you more.

We quite often get phone calls from our clients when they are using one of the many eccomerce store or SEO management products we recommend and we are more than happy to help. Over the years we have had more unusual requests for error messages that make little sense to our clients - or us!

It's little wonder that you can find users hiding under desks or hitting the dreaded panic button amusingly put in the secret Santa stocking in December when the following error messages are displayed - read the Econsultancy article here.

Monday 23 March 2009

Mixing Traditional & Internet Marketing Methods

We're always banging on about using the internet to make your marketing spend go further in the current financial climate, but to get the highest return on your investment it is much better to mix this in with more traditional methods like letters & mailings.

When I was suggesting this to an ecommerce client the other day there was a look of absolute fear on their face! The data entry!! So, I pointed out that you can download all of your customer data as a .csv file and import it into a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel and then mail merge with your marketing letter..."Mail merge?" was the reply.

So, for all of you out there who are also wondering how on earth you can collect the data from your online store and use it to not only send emails and autoresponders, here is a great little video from YouTube showing you the basics of mail merge.

Thursday 12 March 2009

Great random tip for SEO

If, like most people, you registered your domain name way back when you set up from your bedroom / garage / little space under the stairs and since have posh offices that you can swing a cat in (well, at least a large mouse anyway) have you thought about updating your WHOIS record to reflect your new contact details?

Not only is this a method people use to find out your contact details, but also it is potentially a way Google uses to check your contact details on your site match up with your business details - a trust issue.

There is more and more talk about trust being part of Google's grand SEO plan, so have a quick check today.

Monday 9 March 2009 - The Next Google?

Reports in the press today are talking about the new search engine that is hoping to become as big as Google - What's more, its British.

Professor Stephen Wolfram, founder of software company Wolfram Research, is launching the new 'computational knowledge engine' in May and is hoping it will not only accurately answer your question, it can understand what you are looking for. Think of the computer in Star Trek or Red Dwarf and you will start getting the idea.

Now as wonderful as this all sounds, as soon as I hear 'it will be just like Star Trek' I begin to worry. However, all will be revealed in May when the new site goes live and I'm sure we will be all on there trying to find the answer to life, love, the universe & everything. And then it can tell us what the right question to ask is.

Sunday 8 March 2009

Take away the guilt factor

It's Sunday morning, and after a night out in Newcastle last night where from the traffic jam to get to the restaurant and the lengthy taxi queue to get home again it appears that the credit crunch hasn't curbed the enthusiasm of the North East folk to have a night out. But a quick straw poll of my friends showed that while financially they were no worse off (some lucky ones better off due to the plunging mortgage interest rates) they were more reticent than normal to make an 'unnecessary' purchase. Although nice shoes and bags were deemed necessary for some.

So why is this? Every time I read a newspaper or check out a news website there is more bad news. Anthea Turner has even had to sell her £5m ski chalet for heavens sake! So, the feeling goes that after years of being happy to whack out the credit card and worry about it next month everyone is being cannier with their spending habits.

Bad news for ecommerce stores then? Well, no actually. It could actually be a boom time for businesses who sell online if you make sure you are being canny with your spending habits too.

As people watch what they spend, they are increasingly going online to do price comparisons and try to bag a bargain - and a quick check of my email inbox this morning shows that there are many websites out there offering me just that.

Give me an offer to make it feel cheaper for me = I will feel less guilty for spending money I shouldn't have and buy it. And what is more, I will go and tell everyone about this great deal and how they too can get the discount. Simple.

Think about it - how many people do you know that have eaten at Strada recently? Well, a few weeks ago I knew none and now, thanks to a 2-4-1 deal publicised on money saving websites I could probably catchup with all my Facebook friends on one weekend evening in there...

So, offer something to your customers - take away the guilt factor. I'm off to get 20% off the dress I couldn't justify yesterday.

Tuesday 3 March 2009


Cebit 2009 opened it's doors today and we're all really interested to see what the fair known for launching new hardware and software solutions will bring. Some of the normal big players like Samsung have decided not to attend this year so it's a great chance for the smaller firms to shine. BBC's Click have a good roundup of what has been on show this year.
We'll be keeping a close eye on the digital marketing solutions being launched to add to our current range of internet marketing solutions.

Thursday 19 February 2009

Did you know you can update your blog via email?

Well you can, just like I amdoing now. What a great way to keep everyone up-to-date with what is going on even if you aren't at your desk!

Website MOTs from £60

Great new service available for those of you who want your website marketing to be given the once over by an expert.

For a one off fee of £60 (£90 for and ecommerce store) one of our internet marketing experts will go through your website against our checklist for internet marketing and send you a 10 page report within 7 days - simple!

Even better is the fact that if you decide to implement any of our recommendations we will knock the cost of the MOT from your final bill.

What are you waiting for then? Find out more at the Mancala website here.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

New Privacy Laws Needed Because of Facebook

This is just going to keep on rumbling...

What happens when you create a site which encourages people to give away as much personal information as they possibly can (those lucky enough to be my Facebook friends can see my favourite books, bands and what i ate for tea last night) and then change your terms of service to say you own the data not them? Loads of trouble and airtime.

90,000 people joined the group "People Against the New Terms of Service" within a matter of days. Even Perez Hilton joined the fight by calling for readers of his blog to boycott the site. The Electronic Privacy Centre have called today for new & comprehensive privacy laws to be created. This could have a wide ranging impact on how the web can use data so we will be keeping a very close eye on this one.

Remember though, one of the reasons Facebook is such a powerful internet marketing tool is because you can be so precise about the audience you are targeted with your ads. From a users p.o.v. it means that you should only see ads that are relevant to you rather than the normal scattergun effect. Advice? Don't put anything on Facebook that you might regret losing the rights to.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Wikipedia is changing

Anyone with kids of a school age will know that although Wikipedia is an amazing source of information, it does have its flaws. There are loads of stories about how information has been erroneously updated creating many laughs but also many confused teachers marking history essays.

So, Wikipedia is trying to address this by making some changes to how content is edited on the site. Listen to an audio interview with founder Jimmy Wales at the BBC website here.

Facebook in data row

Just read a v. interesting article on the BBC website about Facebook and how they have changed their terms and conditions which means that you don't own your own data on the social networking website anymore. I can imagine bouycots will follow.

I find it odd when phenomenal sites such as Facebook make basic mitakes that annoy their avid fans who make them what they are. Facebook has one of the best advertising portals available - making them very rich indeed, but if everyone leaves the site as they are scared about data issues then their value will nose dive.

Read more at the BBC website.

Friday 13 February 2009

Smug Couples Day?

We all know it's smug couples day tomorrow (or at least I hope we all do) so if you have realised that this is Friday the 13th with good reason, make sure you get yourself in the good books tomorrow by picking up something for tomorrow from the supermarket the way home:
  • Skint? A £2 pound bouquet of red roses from Asda wont break the bank
  • Special offer from Sainsburys gives you a box of Thorntons Chocolates and a bottle of pink bubbly for only £12

Enjoy tomorrow!

Thursday 12 February 2009

What do you buy a six year old for their birthday?

Another year gone, another year older - Mancala turns six today and we've certainly come a long way from the cupboard under the stairs...

So once the party poppers have stopped popping and the jelly and ice cream has melted into the brightly coloured plastic bowls we will celebrate properly - by making sure this year is the best yet!

You can read what's changed in the world of the web and internet marketing and SEO on my Online Marketing for SMEs blog here.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Facebook Changed My Life

We've been banging on about social network marketing for a while now, but it is easy to forget the impact that sites like Facebook, MySpace, Bebo etc have on everyday people, not just us in the Internet Marketing community.

There's a great article on the BBC website about everyday people in not-so-everyday circumstances who claim that Facebook - 5 years old today - has changed their life. From finding the job to let them stay with their girlfriend from being reuinited with long lost relatives it appears that the eponomous site has indeed got philanthropic qualities as well as mercenary ones.

Have to admit though, if I ever only communicate with my sister via the internet, please give me a pen.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Tweeting on Twitter

Deryck has just announced that Twitter is the future...if he can get it to work from his mobile phone (anyone know how to set it up via Orange?).

Twitter appears to be basically Facebook without all of the annoying applications and photo tagging (you know who you are) - basically you just say what you are doing right now in 140 characters or less. Stephen Fry is already a fan so it must be good.

You can follow Deryck on Twitter at